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Ave Maria solo voice + piano

Composer: Benjamin Franklin Baker (1811-1889), 1871    


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Recording: none available  
Lyrics:    Score:
A-ve A-ve A-ve Ma-ri-a, gra-tia ple-na,
Do-mi-nus te-cum. Do-mi-nus te-cum.
Be-ne-di-cta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
Be-ne-di-cta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
Et be-ne-di-ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i,
fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i, Je-sus, Je-sus.
Be-ne-di-cta tu, Be-ne-di-cta tu,
Be-ne-di-cta tu, in mu-li-e-ri-bus,

San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
O-ra pro no-bis, pec-ca-to-ri-bus,
Nunc et in ho-ra mor-tis no-strae.
San-cta San-cta San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
O-ra pro no-bis, pec-ca-to-ri-bus,
Nunc et in ho-ra mor-tis no-strae,
Nunc et in ho-ra in ho-ra mor-tis no-strae.
A-men. A-men. A-men.
A-men. A-men. A-men. A-men.
A-men. A-men. A-men.

Cyclopedia of music & musicians, Volume 1
John Denison Champlin, William Foster Apthorp - Scribner, 1893
BAKER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN born of American parentage in Wen ham Massachusetts July 10 1811 still living 1888 In 1822 he removed to Salem and at the age of fourteen began to sing in the choir of the Howard Street Presbyterian Church in that city During 1828 33 he resided in Boston whence he removed to Bangor Maine to engage in commercial pursuits without however severing his connection with music In 1836 he returned to Boston studied under John Paddon and sang in the choir of the Chauncey Place Church and in the following year took charge of the music in the Rev Dr Channing's Church In 1841 he was chosen successor to Lowell Mason to teach music in the public schools of Boston and was elected vice president of the Handel and
Haydn Society a position which he held for six years appearing in solos at many of the society's concerts In 1847 the preliminary work of establishing a music school in Boston was begun by Mr Baker and in 1851 the Boston Music School was incorporated with a full corps of teachers in the various departments Mr Baker being vocal instructor and principal The establishment of this school was an important event in the development of musical culture in America In 1868 the school was closed and Mr Baker retired from active professional work Works Vocal Death of Osceola quartet 1846 Stars of the Summer Night quartet 1865 Ave Maria 1871 The Storm King cantata 1856 The Burning Ship do 1858 Camillus the Roman Conqueror do 1865 and other songs and quartets He is also the author of Baker's Thorough Bass and Harmony and has compiled several books of glees and anthems
Benjamin Franklin Baker (* 16. Juli 1811 in Wenham/Massachusetts; † 11. März 1889 in Boston) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist.

Baker war seit 1841 als Nachfolger von Lowall Mason Musiklehrer der öffentlichen Schulen von Boston. 1851 gründete er eine eigene Musikschule, an der er die Vokalklassen leitete.

Baker komponierte drei Kantaten (Der Sturmkönig, Das brennende Schiff und Camillus, der römische Eroberer), Glees und Anthems.


Page last modified: November 07, 2011

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