Zdrávas, Maria Panno (Hail, virgin Mary)

Composer:  Anonymous - traditional (Czech)


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Zdrávas, Maria Panno (ii)  

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#3 on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  source page
Lyrics + Google translation   Can you improve this translation?
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
nebeská Královno,
od Boha Pána
Proto blahoslavená,
nad anděly vznešená
sluješ, ó slavná Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
heavenly queen,
Lord God
Thus blessed,
the noble angels
sluješ, the famous Maria.
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
Boha Otce Dcero,
on tě vyvolil,
slávou ozdobil.
Proto blahoslavená,
nad svaté oslavená
sluješ, ó svatá Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
Daughter of God the Father,
He has chosen you,
decorated glory.
Thus blessed,
the glorified saints
sluješ, O holy Mary.
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
Boha Syna Matko,
tys ho zplodila,
prsy kojila.
Proto blahoslavená,
nad ženy zvelebená
sluješ, ó šťastná Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
God the Son, Mother
you it spawned
breast fed.
Thus blessed,
the women honored
sluješ, O happy Mary.
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
hříšných obrano,
Choti milého
Ducha svatého.
Proto blahoslavená,
nad Panny vyvolená
sluješ, ó čistá Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
sinful Defense
Beloved wife
Holy Spirit.
Thus blessed,
Lady of the election
sluješ a net Maria.
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
světa Císařovno,
světa králove
jsou tvý sluhove.
Proto blahoslavená,
nad králi vyvýšená
sluješ, ó mocná Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
Empress of the world,
World Králove
are your servants.
Thus blessed,
the king raised
sluješ, O mighty Maria.
Zdrávas, Maria Panno,
jasná nebes bráno,
skrz tě procházi,
kdo v nebe vcházi.
Proto blahoslavená,
tým slúham otevřená
sluješ, ó dobrá Maria.
Hail Mary, Virgin
clear sky taken,
passes through you,
who enters heaven.
Thus blessed,
Team slúham free
sluješ, the good Maria.

Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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