Bogorodice Djevo

Composers:  various - Anonymous / unknown / traditional


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Bogorodice Djevo  (O, Holy Virgin)  Serbian chant by the Melodi Choir and Divna Ljubojevic.
Bogorodice Djevo,
radujsja, blagodatnaja Marije,
Gospod s Toboju!
Blagoslovena ti v ženah,
i blagosloven plod čreva tvojego.
jako Spasa rodila jesi duš naših.

Bogorodice Djevo,
raduj se, blagodatna Marijo,
Gospod je s tobom;
blagoslovena si ti među ženama,[Luka 1,28]
i blagosloven je plod utrobe tvoje,
jer si rodila Spasitelja duša naših [Luka 1,42]
O Virgin Theotokos, rejoice
Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Thou [art] blessed among women,
and blessed [is] the fruit of thy womb,
for thou hast given birth to the savior of our souls.

Orthodox Music, Divna Ljubojevic - Bogorodice Djevo
Song: O Vierge Sainte Réjouis-Toi
Album: Mystčres Byzantins
Artist: Divna Ljubojevic


Posted on YouTube:  



Divna Ljubojevic

A video to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
  Богородица,Bogorodica,Θεοτόκος Теотокос,Mother of Jesus,Matka Boska,Fecioara Maria


  ovo je remekdelo vizantijske liturgijske himnografije. Ovaj akatist ima oblik poeme sacinjene od 24 ikosa i kondaka, a svaki ikos sacinjen je od prozbi sacinjenih od dvanaest stihova (podobno opisu iz Otkrivenja, gl. 12), i završava se uzglasom: "Raduj se Nevesto, nenevesna!" Ova himna ima za osnov kondake koje je ispevao Roman Slatkopojac (491-560), dakon u Bejrutu i Carigradu, a pripisuje se patrijarhu Sergiju (izmedu 610. i 638).

Taizé - Bogoroditse Dievo
Taizé - Bogoroditse Dievo (Богородице Дево) 1



Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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