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In het stedeke van Nazareth  

Composer: Anonymous


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!

(Dutch / Flemish)


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Recording:  not available

CD:  Herenkoor van de kathedrale basiliek, Haarlem, Kat,
Dr. A.I.M., Koorschool St. Bavo, Haarlem (1958)
tr01 In 't stedeke van Nazareth

MIDI:  not available
Lyrics:  see score  
Chants Populaires flamands avec les airs notés et Poésies Populaires diverses (1879) by Lootens, Adolphe; Feys, J. M. E
Publ. Bruges, DeBrouwer

A more recent version

play/stop MIDI:

Posted on YouTube:   
Marie-Cécile Moerdijk - In 't stedeke van Nazareth
 Uploaded on Nov 27, 2009

Dutch Christmas traditional by our renowned soprano Marie-Cécile Moerdijk (arr. M.C. Moerdijk)
from her Christmas-album: 'Kerstfeest op de Strijpe'
© 1981 Mirasound

Internet references, biography information.

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Page last modified: May 26, 2013

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AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


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