Ave Maria   

Composer:  Anonymous c1300
performer: Lina Mkrtchyan

Recording:  not available  
Score / MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  

Posted on YouTube:  
Lina Mkrtchyan (the contralto) - a singer, differring high music culture and original interpretation of the performed product. Its warm, great
voice possesses the exclusive range - from the most low contralto before unexpectedly high soprano notes. In repertoire of the singer over forty programs, in base which spiritual and chamber product. This is an old-time music XIII-XVIII vv., west-european spiritual and operatic music, russian vocal classics, romantic and advance guard cycles. Lina Mkrtchyan often barnstorms in miscellaneous city to Russia. Its appearances to advantage passed in Portugals, Italies, Vatican city, Germany, Hollow and Switzerlands.



Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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