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PROJIMO invites you to volunteer!

The  2005 Volunteer Invitation listed on the "Independent Living Institute" website has some informational errors.
See: CONTACT PROJIMO for correct contact information.  
PROJIMO will not pay you. You will need to finance your entire stay. 

copied from: http://www.projimo.org.mx/voluntarios.htm http://www.projimo.org.mx/volunteer.htm
Voluntarios (Servicio social o ayuda profesional) Volunteers (Social service or professional assistance)
Aceptamos voluntarios mexicanos o extranjeros relacionados al área de salud o en diferentes labores y especialidades para ayudar a tener una capacitación constante y mutua en nuestros servicios. At P.R.O.J.I.M.O., we accept Mexican and foreign volunteers, who work in the field of health or in different jobs and specialized areas to help to have a mutual and constant training in our services.
Admitimos estudiantes que quieran cumplir su servicio social en verano y profesionales que quieran ayudar. We also admit students who would like to complete their social service requirement in the summer and professionals that would like to help.
La duración de los voluntarios es variable desde 2 semanas hasta 3 meses.
The length of stay of volunteers varies between two weeks and three months.
Las tareas que realizan los voluntarios nacionales y extranjeros al venir a cubrir su servicio social son: trabajo en el área de terapia física y masajes, en los talleres de prótesis, sillas de ruedas (diseños de frenos, ángulos y otras adaptaciones), aparatos ortopédicos, diseños de juguetes educativos y ayuda para movilizar a personas que no pueden valerse por si mismas. The tasks that different national and foreign volunteers have completed during their social service requirement with us include: working in the area of therapy or massage, assisting in the workshops of prosthetics, wheel chairs (designing frames, angles and other adaptations), orthopedic apparatuses, and the design of educational toys, and helping to motivate participants that are not able to see their own worth.
Para voluntarios que no tienen una profesión enfocada a la rehabilitación o diseño, ofrecemos diferentes opciones: For other volunteers that do not have professional experience in rehabilitation or design, we offer different options:
1.- Remodelación de las diferentes áreas de PRÓJIMO. 1.-Remodeling different areas at P.R.O.J.I.M.O.

2.-Un área para cultivar diferentes hortalizas

2.-Creating an area for cultivating different plants.
3.- Trabajo comunitario: (platicas de sensibilización y concientización en el tema de la prevención, los voluntarios extranjeros además de venir aprender español, pueden invitar a niños de la comunidad a enseñarles ingles. 3.-Working in the community: Helping prepare and give sensitivity and awareness presentations on the theme of prevention. Foreign volunteers, who have come to learn Spanish, can also invite children from the community to P.R.O.J.I.M.O. to teach them and others to speak English.
Cabe señalar que PROJIMO esta abierto a visitantes nacionales y extranjeros que quieran venir y tengan o quieran desarrollar algún proyecto o actividad enfocada a nuestra labor en el área de la salud y rehabilitación. We would also like to indicate that P.R.O.J.I.M.O. is open to foreign and national visitors that want to come and have developed or would like to develop some project or activity focused in our area of work in the fields of health and rehabilitation.

Page last modified: October 27, 2011

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