Works by this person are most likely not
public domain within the EU and in those countries where the copyright
term is life+70 years. They may also be protected by copyright in the USA,
unless published
before 1923, in which case they are PD there as well. However, this
person's works are
public domain in Canada (where IMSLP is hosted), and in other countries
where the copyright term is life+50 years.
A-ve Ma-ri-a, Gra-ti-a ple-na,
Do-mi-nus te-cum,
Be-ne-di-cta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
et be-ne-di-ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i, Je-sus.
San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i
o-ra pro-no-bis pec-ca-to-ri-bus
nunc et, in ho-ra mor-tis nos-trae
Posted on YouTube:
03/11 - Ave Maria - Coro Jovem de S�o Jos� dos Campos O Coro
Jovem Sinf�nico de S�o Jos� dos Campos apresentou "Os Nacionalistas" em
25/10/2009, no Cine Santana (S�o Jos� dos Campos).
Ave Maria / C�none a duas vozes - Heitor Villa-Lobos. Interpretado pelo
N�cleo Iniciante.
jackyuchoas1:08 November 25, 2009
Uploaded by bsepeters on Apr 5, 2009
Apresenta��o no Centro Budista Agon Shu - 05/04/2009. Reg�ncia: Glauco
Tolentino. Can��o: Ave Maria de Heitor Villa-Lobos, 1916.
Comment: This listing is incomplete and rather confusing.
Even Museu Villa-Lobos
cannot provide a complete listing.
It appears that several of the listed works were never published.
Some of the scores appear to have been lost (Partitura n�o localizada)
Several of the listed works do not have a sequence number or a
composition year listed, making it impossible to include them in a
chronological sequence.
There are inconsistencies between recording attributions and the
catalog listings.
None of the available catalogue listings provides a complete listing.
Appleby No.
Ave Maria No.?
Voice, Cello, Organ
Vocal (solo)
Partitura n�o localizada
Ave Maria No.?
Voice, Organ
Vocal (solo)
Partitura n�o localizada
Ave Maria No.?
Voice, Strings
Vocal (solo)
Premiered 11 November, 1922
Partitura n�o localizada
Burleson, Jill "Selected Choral Works
from Musica Sacra by Heitor Villa-Lobos - A Performance Edition with
Critical Notes and Commentary," Ball State University, Muncie IN, July
Scores of Heitor Villa-Lobos are available for purchase at:
Do you see a public domain score you
like, but you cannot download it?
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E-mail me:
Copyright � 1999-2011 Geert Cuypers.
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