Instrumental music "Ave Maria" CDs!
No singing on these CDs, only a few of the tracks on the following CDs are
"Ave Maria" settings.
Ave Maria: Hyms to Mary / Henry Doktorski
7 Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
20 Ave Maria (Latin chant, 13th cent.)
21 Hail Mary, Gentle Woman (Carey Landry 1975)
22 Ave Maria, As I Kneel Before You (Maria Parkinson, 1975)
24 Bogurodzica Dziewica (12th cent. Polen)
25 Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) |
Catholic Heritage / Mary Gifford organist
Gottschalk - Complete Works for Orchestra
Gottschalk: Ave Maria, RO10 |
Recercar Ave Maria Klare for organ |

playing: 1894 "Ave Maria Loretta" by Ernest
Page last modified:
October 27, 2011
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