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Barred door
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Alpha Sections Warehouse. (3 pearls)

The barred door, Pedestrian District.

play/stop MP3   

bulletAt the lowest level of the Pedestrian District is a barred door.
bulletHH action button to open it. Enter.
bulletPush the elevator button and go in. HH action button to go down. 

1703.jpg (61669 bytes) 1704.jpg (75346 bytes) 

bulletCutscene: elevator down. Walk around the corner.
bullet1 guard. Shoot him when he's turned away. 

1705.jpg (49609 bytes) 17050.jpg (53833 bytes) 1706.jpg (48849 bytes) 1707.jpg (64222 bytes) 

bulletIn the cabinet behind the green window, you can find 2 sets of pods.
You have to jump down to the sewer level to get to the access door. 

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bulletMove on to the next room. 
bullet1 guard. Shoot him when he's turned away. Avoid the floating lights and move on. 

1711.jpg (59115 bytes) 1712.jpg (64044 bytes) 1713.jpg (70231 bytes) 1714.jpg (44215 bytes) 1715.jpg (78698 bytes) 

bullet1 moving laser beam.  
bulletRun around the circle, run-roll or crouch-roll underneath it when it is near you. 
bulletBecause the camera angle is locked in diagonal, this may be somewhat difficult with a PC keyboard.
bulletRoll-dive over the laser beam and under the closing door. 
bulletTake the pearl. (#42=??). 

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bullet2 moving laser beams. 
bulletDo the same in this room around the double circle and under the next door. 
bulletTake the 2 pearls. (#43+44=??)

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bulletGo up the elevator. Push the button to switch off the lasers.
bulletMove away to trigger a chase scene. 
bulletYou end up at the elevator where HH is still waiting. 

1727.jpg (92068 bytes) 1729.jpg (44103 bytes) 1731.jpg (72499 bytes) 1733.jpg (67931 bytes) 1735.jpg (65728 bytes) 

1736.jpg (63932 bytes) 1738.jpg (98721 bytes) 1739.jpg (89845 bytes) 1741.jpg (123964 bytes)

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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