Ave Maria, Ancilla sanctae Trinitatis /
Ave Maria fons et pulchritudo

Composer:  Adrian Willaert (c1490-1562), 1532
aka Adrianus Villart


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 1539   nr 40 Ave Maria, Gratia plena. (#1) a 4
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. I have a video of this song. Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 1539   nr 350 O magnum mysterium – Ave Maria (#2) a 4
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. I have a video of this song. Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 1532 nr 369 Pater Noster - Ave Maria (#3) a 4
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 1532   nr 370 Pater noster – Ave Maria (#4 ) a 6
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 1532 nr 39 Ave Maria, Ancilla sanctae Trinitatis /
Ave Maria fons et pulchritudo
a 5

My thanks and appreciation to
Arnold Loose - Adriaen Willaert Foundation
for sending me additional information and documentation.

Recording:  not available  
Lyrics: (T2)  
Ave Maria, Ancilla sanctae Trinitatis Ave Maria fons et pulchritudo

A-ve Ma-ria, an-cil-la San-_ _ ctae _ _ Tri-ni-ta-tis,
a-ve Ma-ri-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a,
spon-sa Spi-ri-tus _ _ _ San-_ cti,
a-ve Ma-ri-a, ma ter Do-mi-ni no-stri Je-su Chri _ _ sti,
Do-mi-ni no-stri Je su Chri sti,
ma ter _ Do-mi-ni Je-_ _ su _ Chri sti,
a ve Ma ri a, Ma _ _ _ ri _ a,
pro-mis-_ si-o pro-phe -ta _ _ _ _ -rum _ _ _ _
pro phe ta _ rum
a ve Ma-ri -a, a ve Ma-ri-a, a ve Ma ri a,
re-gi na pa-tri-ar cha rum, _ _ _
pa tri-ar-cha rum, e-van-ge-lis-sta-_ rum,
a ve Ma ri-_ _ a, Ma-ri _ a,
ma gi _ _ _ _ _ _ -stra e-van-ge-lis-sta-_ _ rum,
a-ve Ma-ri-a,
doc-trix a-pos-to-lo-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rum _ _ _
a ve Ma ri a, Ma ri _ a,
con-for-ta-trix mar-_ _ ty rum,
con-for-ta-trix mar-_ _ _ ty-rum.

A ve Ma ri _ _ _ a, Ma _ _ -ri _ a,
fons et pul-chri-tu-_ _ do,
fons et pul-chri-tu-_ _ _ _ _ _ do
Con-fes-so _ _ _ _ rum, a ve Ma-ri-a _ _ _
de cus et _ _ co-ro-na vir-_ _ _ gi-_ num,
et _ _ co-ro-na vir-_ gi-num,
a-ve _ Ma-ri-_ _ a, sa-lus et con-so-la-_ trix,
sa-lus et con-so-la-trix
vi-vo-rum et _ mor-_ _ tu-o-_ _ _ _ -rum,
mor-_ tu-o-_ rum, et mor-tu o _ rum, mor-tu-_ o-rum,
me-cum sis in om-ni-bus _ _ _ ten-ta-ti-o-ni-bus,
tri-bu-la-ti-o-_ _ ni-bus, an-gu-sti-is,
et in-fir-mi-ta-ti-bus me _ _ _ _ _ _ is, me _ _ is,
et im-pe-tra mi-hi ve-ni-am, ve-_ _ _ _ _ ni-am _ _ _
om-ni-um de-li-cto-rum me-o-_ rum, _ _ _
et ma-xi-me in ho-_ _ _ ra _ _ _ e-_ _ _ _ xi-tus me-_ _ i,
in ho-ra e-xi-tus me-i non de-sis mi-hi,
o, pi-_ is-si-ma _ _ _ _ vir-go Ma-ri-a _
o, pi-is-si-ma vir-go Ma ri a, vir-go Ma-ri-a!


My thanks and appreciation to
Arnold Loose - Adriaen Willaert Foundation

for sending me this score.

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
You could be featured here!
If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Page last modified: November 07, 2011

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