Ellens Gesang III (Ave Maria)

Composer: Franz Peter Schubert, (1797-1828), 1825
        Text: Adam Storck (1780–1822) after Sir Walter Scott


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. I have a video of this song.   Franz Peter   Schubert   1797 1828   1825   D 839
Op. 52/6
Ellens Gesang III  (Ave Maria) voice piano
X X X I have an audio recording of this song. I have a video of this song.   Franz Peter
Jasha Heifetz
              Ave Maria NV violin + piano
I have a score of this song X X X X   Franz Peter
Stephen Heller
  1813 1888   1852     Ave Maria NV piano

There are multitudes of arrangements of this song that are freely available from many different sources.

comment on Schubert's "Ave Maria" by soprano Karen Mercedes:
There are a number of songs and arias entitled "Ave Maria" that are not, in fact, settings of the traditional "Ave Maria" text. 
The most famous of these is Schubert's "Ellens Gesang III", Op. 52 No. 4 D.839; however, in Schubert's case, several publishers have also shoe-horned the traditional "Ave Maria" text onto Schubert's music (at times rather awkwardly). At this point, the song has become a Wedding standard, sung with the sacred text never intended by Schubert, rather than with the poem by Adam D. Storck that Schubert actually set (which is a German translation of Walter Scott's "Lady of the Lake").  

By far THE MOST POPULAR Ave Maria out there.

Original setting:

play/stop MIDI:


A-ve Ma-ri-a! Jung-frau mild,
Er-hö-re ei-ner Jung-frau Fle-hen,
Aus die-sem Fel-sen starr und wild
Soll mein Ge-bet zu dir hin we-hen.
Wir schla-fen si-cher bis zum Mor-gen,
Ob Men-schen noch so grau-sam sind.
O Jung-frau, sieh der Jung-frau Sor-gen,
O Mut-ter, hör ein bit-tend Kind!
A-ve Ma-ri-a!
A-ve Ma-ri-a! Un-be-flekt!
Wenn wir auf die-sen Fels hin-sin-ken
Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz be-deckt,
Wir weich der har-te Fels uns dün-ken.
Du lä-chelst, Ro-sen-düf-te we-hen
In die-ser dump-fen Fel-sen-kluft.
O Mut-ter, hö-re Kin-des Fle-hen,
O Jung-frau, ei-ne Jung-frau ruft!
A-ve Ma-ri-a!
A-ve Ma-ri-a! Rei-ne Magd!
Der Er-de und der Luft Dä-mo-nem,
Von dei-nes Au-ges Huld ver-jagt,
Sie kön-nen hier nicht bei uns wo-hnen.
Wir wolln uns still dem Schick-sal beu-gen,
Da uns dein heil-ger Trost an-weht;
Der Jung-frau wol-le hold dich nei-gen,
Dem Kind, das für den Va-ter fleht!
A-ve Ma-ri-a!
Latin text
A-ve Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na,
Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na,
Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na, A-ve _ A-ve.

Do-mi-nus Do-mi-nus te-cum.
Be-ne-dic-ta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
et be-ne-dic-_ _ tus
et be-ne-dic-tus fruc-tus ven-tris
ven-tris tu-i, Je-_ _ sus.
A-ve Ma-ri-a
A-ve Ma-ri-a, Ma-_ ter De-i, 
O-ra pro no___bis, pec-ca-to_________ri-bus, 
O-ra O-ra pro no _ bis,
O-ra O-ra pro no _ bis, pec-ca-to-ri-bus, 
Nunc _ et in ho-_ ra _ mor-_ tis
in ho-ra mor-tis nos-trae.
in ho-ra mor-tis mor-tis nos trae.
_ in ho-ra mor-tis nos trae.
A-ve Ma-ri-a
A-ve Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na,
Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na,
Ma-ri-a, gra-ti-a ple-na, A-ve _ A-ve.

Do-mi-nus Do-mi-nus te-cum.
Be-ne-dic-ta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
et be-ne-dic-_ _ tus
et be-ne-dic-tus fruc-tus ven-tris
ven-tris tu-i, Je-_ _ sus.
A-ve Ma-ri-a
English text after  "Lady of the Lake" by Walter Scott as listed on THIS page:

Ave, Maria! Maiden mild!
Oh listen to a maiden's prayer;
For thou canst hear tho' from the wild,
And Thou canst save amid despair,
Amid despair.
Safe may we sleep beneath thy care
Tho' banish'd outcast and reviled,
Oh, Maiden hear a maidens prayer.
Oh Mother, hear a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave, Maria!
The flinty couch we now must share,
Shall seem with down of eider piled
If Thy, if Thy protection hover there.
The murky cavern's heavy air
Shall breath of Balm if thou hast smiled;
Then, Maiden hear a maiden's prayer.
Oh Mother, hear a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave, Maria!
Foul demons of the earth and air,
From this their wonted haunt exiled,
Shall flee, shall flee before thy presence fair.
We bow us to our lot of care
Beneath Thy guidance reconciled,
Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer;
And for a father bear a child!
Ave Maria!
Score: Recording: just a few of many hundreds ...

free download available on www.cpdl.org
and many other websites

  1909 edition   1914 edition

Posted on YouTube:    
original German text Latin text

Page last modified: January 28, 2013s

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