Viva Maria  

Composer: Johann Anton Stephan van Schaik (1862-1927), s.a.
         text: Guido Gezelle (1830-1899) 

Guido Gezelle      (1830-1899)

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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X X X X X   Bernardinus D' Hooghe               Ave Maria male or female choir organ on a poem by Guido Gezelle 
X X X X X   Octaaf De Hovre               Viva, Maria SATB a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Vic   Nees               Viva, Maria SATB a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X       Peregrinus               Viva, Maria 4vv a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Marcel   Thys               Viva, Maria male or female choir a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Johann Anton Stephan van Schaik   1862 1927         Viva, Maria voice a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle 
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X   Edgar   Tinel              
Viva Maria!
SATB a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle 
X X X X X   Eug. Van de Velde               Viva, Maria male or female choir a cappella on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Jules M.   Vereecke               Viva, Maria voice piano on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Arthur   Verhoeven               Viva, Maria SATB /
solo voice
a cappella
on a poem by Guido Gezelle
X X X X X   Emiel   Wambach               Viva, Maria voice piano on a poem by Guido Gezelle

Recording:  not available
Score / MIDI:   not available
Lyrics:  Viva Maria - Guido Gezelle (1830-1899), 1874  source  source
Ik voel’ alsdat mijn tong herleeft, viva
omdat mijn hert weer blijdschap heeft, viva
het is Maria, zuivre Maagd,
die bovenal mij wel behaagt.
Ave Maria, Ave Maria!
Maria’s kindren altemaal, viva
Wij doen gelijk de nachtegaal, viva
Van s’morgens vroeg, al vóór de dag
Herhaalt hij voor die het horen mag
Viva Maria, Viva Maria!
Lofweerde Maged, onbevlekt, viva
Tot mij uw milde hand uitstrekt, viva
Bevrijd ons al, zo kleen als groot
Van hels gespuis en kwade dood!
Ave Maria, Ave Maria!

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
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If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

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Page last modified: November 02, 2011

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