Ave Maria  Op.346 for alto or baritone and keyboard (and violin obl.)

Composer:  Albert Henry RoSewig (1846-1929), <1903

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not! (Germany - USA)


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The copyright date on a duett arrangement of this work by Victor Hammerel is 1903, publ. J. Fischer & Bro. The original publication date would be earlier still.  Rebecca Littman, UW-Milwaukee Music Library, has confirmed that the 1926 setting  in their catalog is a reprint of this same Op. 346.

I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. I have a video of this song. Albert Henri RoSewig 1846 1929 <1903 Op.346 Ave Maria alto or baritone violin and keyboard
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X   Albert Henri RoSewig / V. Hammerel 1846 1929 1903 Op.346 Ave Maria SA duet or female chorus organ
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Albert Henri RoSewig 1846 1929 1915   Ave Maria solo voice piano 

violin part is missing.

A ve Ma ri a, A ve Ma ri a, A ve, A _ ve Ma ri _ _ a,
A ve Ma ri a gra ti a ple na,
Do mi nus, Do _ mi nus te cum.
Be ne di cta tu in _ mu li e ri bus
et be ne di ctus fru ctus ven tris tu i Je sus.

San cta Ma ri a Ma ter _ De i
o ra, _ o _ ra pro no bis pec ca _ to ri bus,
pec ca _ to ri bus,
nunc et in ho ra mor tis no strae
A men, A men, A _ men, A men, A men.


play/stop MIDI:

My thanks and appreciation to
Viktor Andersson
for sending me this score.

Posted on YouTube:
Albert RoSewig was a German immigrant to Philadelphia in the mid 1800s. For over 30 years he was the director of music at St. Charles Borromeo Church. He owned a publishing company that produced an important collection of sacred music including his own. His style is comparable to the genius of Gounod, Verdi, and Mozart and he made known in America some of the richest music ever written for the Church.

This piece is rarely performed and I personally think of it as a lost treasure. .../...


Internet references:


These pages have (had) listed Albert Rosewig as a catholic priest. According to the Catholic Diocese of Philadelphia, Albert Rosewig did convert to Catholicism and was baptized at St Charles Borromeo parish on 09/16/1907, but he never was a priest. 

Baptismal certificate September 16, 1907 St. Charles Borromeo parish - courtesy of Catholic Diocese of Philadelphia.

The Catholic Standard and Times May11, 1929 - courtesy of Catholic Diocese of Philadelphia.

My thanks and appreciation to
Shawn Weldon - assistant Archivist at the Catholic Diocese of Philadelphia
for sending me this documentation.
bullet Free scores by Albert Rosewig in the Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)
bullet Chapter about A. Rosewig in The Hymn Writers of Early Pennsylvania by L. E. Carroll at books.google.com
bullet "Hymns, Hymnals, Composers and Choir Schools: Philadelphia's Historic Contributions to Catholic Liturgical Music".

Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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