De Beeklok

Composer:  Armand Rozaire Joseph Preud'homme (1904-1986), s.a.
         text:  Jozef Simons (1888-1948), s.a.

Armand Preud'homme Jozef Simons

This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA



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I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X   Armand   Preud'homme   1904 1986         Wees gegroet 2vv.  
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X   Armand   Preud'homme   1904 1986         De Beeklok soli + choir piano

Recording:  not available
A ve Ma ri _ a. A ve Ma ri _ a.
(1) 's_Mor gens taalt _ van uit den he mel
d'Ou de bee _ klok zil ver zacht
Dat Ma ri _ a, uit ver ko ren
Ho ge bood _ schap werd ge bracht.
A ve Ma ri _ a. A ve Ma ri _ a.

(2) 's_Mid-dags zal _ zij trouw her-ha-len,
Hoe de Maagd _ gaf haar ak-koord,
Ne-drig stil _ in toon en ta-le,
Mij ge-schie_ de naar uw woord,
A ve Ma ri _ a. A ve Ma ri _ a.

(3)'s_A-vonds eer _ het licht ver-dor-de,
Zong zij nog-_ maals zacht als dons,
Dat het Woord _ is Vleesch ge-wor-den,
En ge-woond _ heeft on-der ons,
A ve Ma ri _ a. A ve Ma ri _ a.

(4) Bid, O Moe-_ der dat wij mo-gen
de be-lof-_ te van uw Zoon,
En zijn God-_ de-lijk mee-do-gen,
Waar-dig we-_ zen
voor zijn troon.
Score:  no publisher info available

My thanks and appreciation to
Wim Triskel
for sending me this score.

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
You could be featured here!
If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Internet references, biography information.


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Page last modified: April 03, 2013

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AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


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