Ave Maria, gratia plena   

Composer:  Colin Mawby (*1936), 2008

This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA


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X X X X Colin   Mawby 1936     1995 Ave Maria      
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X Colin   Mawby 1936     2008 Ave Maria   SATB a cappella

Recording:   not available
A ve Ma ri _ _ a, A _ ve,
A ve Ma ri a, gra ti a ple na,
Do mi nus te cum,
be _ ne dic ta tu in mu _ li e ri bus,
et be ne dic tus fruc tus ven tris tu i,
Je _ _ sus, Je _ _ _ sus.
San cta Ma ri a, san cta Ma ri a,
Ma _ ter De i,
o ra pro no _ bis pec _ ca to ri bus,
nunc et in ho ra mor tis no strae,
A men. A _ _ men. A _ _ men.
A men, A _ _ ve.
Score:  can be purchased on the publisher's website: http://www.ph-publishers.com/

This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA 

This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

My thanks and appreciation to
Kristine G�rtz - Porfiri & Horv�th Publishers (Germany)
for sending me this score.

Biography information provided by the publisher:

Colin Mawby (Ireland) born in 1936.
Colin Mawby is widely known as a choral conductor and composer. As a conductor, he has worked with the London Mozart Players, the Wren Orchestra, Pro Cantione Antiqua, the Belgian Radio Choir and the BBC Singers. He has been Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral, London, Choral Director at Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE) and artistic director of Ireland�s National Chamber Choir. On his retirement from the National Chamber Choir in 2001 he was appointed Artistic Director Emeritus to the choir. As a composer, his extensive output includes twenty-four masses, five song cycles, a large number of settings for choir and two children�s operas. He has received commissions from RTE, Westminster Cathedral, Liverpool Cathedral, the Royal School of Church Music, the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, and Grace Church, New York, USA. Recent works include a piece written especially for the Requiem of Cardinal Basil Hume and a fanfare for the opening of the Concert Hall in Dublin City University. Awards include Top Honors in the 2002 Waging Peace Through Singing competition in Oregan, USA for his Prayer of Forgiveness. His music is published by Kevin Mayhew, Oregon Catholic Press, Carus-Verlag, the Gregorian Institute of America, the Royal School of Church Music, Edizioni Carrara, and Edition Ferrimontana. CDs of his music have been released on the Oregon Catholic Press, Warner Classics, Teldec, Hyperion, Black Box, EMI and Kevin Mayhew labels. His setting of Psalm 23 was included on Charlotte Church�s CD, Voice of an Angel and Ave Maria was recorded on the Celtic Tenor�s CD, So Strong. 

Page last modified: October 31, 2011

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