Hail, _ Vir- gin Ma-ry,
God's _ ho- ly Mo-ther,
We _ stand be- fore you,
poor _ nee-dy chil- dren;
May _ we find fa- vor
with _ you, sweet Vir-gin,
Pray for us dai- ly,
A- _ ve Ma- ri- a!
A-_ mong pure spi-rits,
in _ God's calm pre-sence,
You _ are most ho-ly,
O _ spot-less Vir-gin,
Midst _ all the flo-wers,
most _ fra-grant li-ly,
You are the ra-diant,
Star _ of the Hea-vens.
We _ all im-plore you,
our _ Queen and Mo-ther,
Heed _ our en-trea-ty,
help _ our en-dea-vors,
May _ we feel al-ways,
your _ care, sweet Vir-gin,
pray for us dai-ly,
A-_ ve Ma-ri-a.