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Ave Maria

Composer: Franz Joseph  Haydn (1732-1809)


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X   Franz Josepf Haydn   1732 1809         Ave Maria SATB a cappella
X X X I have a video of this song.   Johann Michael   Haydn   1737 1806       MH 72 Ave Maria in F major    
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. I have a video of this song. Johann Michael Haydn 1737 1806   MH 382 Ave Maria in E SATB acc
X X X X X Johann Michael Haydn 1737 1806   MH 388 Ave Maria in C major V (4); orch; org

Recording:  not available  
Lyrics:  (S)
A ve Ma _ ri _ a, gra ti _ a _ ple _ na,
Do mi nus te cum, Do mi _ nus _ te cum,
be ne dic ta tu in mu li e _ ri _ bus,
et _ be ne dic tus fruc tus
ven _ _ tris _ tu i, Je sus.
San cta Ma ri _ a, Ma ter De _ i,
o ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus,
nunc, nunc et in ho ra mor tis nos trae.

A ve Ma _ ri _ a, gra ti _ a _ ple _ na,
Do mi nus te cum,
Do _ mi nus te cum, te cum, te cum,
be ne dic ta tu in mu li e ri bus,
et be ne dic _ tus fruc tus
ven _ tris tu _ i, Je _ _ _ sus, Je _ _ _ sus.
San _ cta Ma _ ter
o ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus,
nunc et in ho ra mor tis nos _ trae.
A men, a men.
Score:  free download available at www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Ave_Maria_(Joseph_Haydn)

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
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If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
Haydn,  Franz Josef renowned comp
b Rohrau on the Leitha Lower Austria Mar 31 bapt April 1 1732 d Vienna May 31 1809
He was the second son of Matthias Haydn a wheelwright the sexton and organist of the village church and a fine tenor singer His mother Maria Roller was a daughter of the market inspector sang in the village choir and had been cook in the household of Count Harrach the lord of the village Of their twelve children three became musicians On Sundays and holidays there was music at home the father accompanying the voices on
the harp which he played by car At 5 years of age Josef's musical aptitude was noticed by a paternal cousin Johann Matthias Frankh a good musician Chorregcnt and Schulrector at Hainburg He took the boy home with him and gave him elementary instruction taught him Latin singing and to play the violin and other instr s George Reutter Hofcompositeur and Kapellm at St Stephen's Vienna had his attention drawn to the boy's talent and engaged him as chorister for St Stephen's undertaking his further education H was 8 years of age when he went to Vienna Besides the daily service and 2 hours choir practice he studied religion Latin writing and arithmetic He also received instruction in singing and on the violin and clavier from Finsterbusch and Gegen bauer Harmony and comp were supposed to be taught by Reutter who did not trouble himself about the matter Still unaided H applied himself assiduously to comp and at 13 wrote a mass though ridiculed instead of encou raged by Reutter he persisted and spent a little money begged from his father for the renewal of his clothing in the purchase of Fux's Gradus ad Par nassum and Mat theson's Volkommener Kapellm pies of which he labored to master voice began to break and he was supplanted by his brother Michael who had joined him in 1745 Reutter made a practical joke which II played on a fellow student a pretext for punishment and dismissal Some poor but kindhearted friends gave him shelter he also obtained a few pupils and a sympathetic Viennese tradesman lent him 150 florins he was thus enabled to rent an attic room for himself together with a rickety harpsichord Here he could practise uninterruptedly and Emanuel Bach's first 6 sonatas became his chief source of study He also assiduously practised the violin but was in his own words no conjuror on any instrument though able to play a concerto In the same house lived Metastasio the poet who taught him Italian and recommended him as musical instructor to a Spanish family the de Martines for their daughter Marianne Through playing her accompaniments at the house of Porpora her singing teacher he became acquainted with that surly old master and in the performance of various menial services gained his good will sufficiently to receive some valuable instruction in comp from him and a recommendation to the Venetian ambassador for a stipend which was granted of 50 francs a month
He went with Porpora to the baths of Mannersdorf and made the acquaintance of Bonno Wagen seil Dittersdorf and Gluck He was now 20 years of age and had composed 6 trios sonatas and other instr l music his 1st Mass in F and a comic opera Der ncuc krumme Teufel prod at the Stadttheater 1752 a satire on the lame baron Affligio official director of the court opera and suppressed after the 3rd representation but afterwards given in Prague Herlin and other cities If received 24 ducats for this work of which the libretto alone has been preserved One of his sonatas earned the good graces of Countess Thun who engaged him as harpsichordist and singing master lie also met liaron Karl Josef FOrnberg for whom he comp his 1st quartet 1753 which was followed by seventeen others within a year These two wealthy friends introduced him to Count Ferdinand Maximilian Morzin who in 1758 app II Mu sikdirector and Kammercompositeur at Lukavec n Pilsen In 1759 Prince Paul Anton Ester hazy heard his 1st symph in 1 and asked the count to give him his composer in 1760 H entered his service as 2nd Kapellm at Kisen stadt after the death of Werner becoming 1st Kapellm The same year II married Maria Anna the eldest daughter of an early benefactor Keller a wig maker lie was in love with the second daughter but she entered a convent and II was induced to marry the sister Of an extravagant vixenish incompatible temperament she made their married life miserable In 1762 the great Esterhazy Prince Niko laus succeeded his deceased brother and under his regime the status of music and musicians was much improved For the Prince's new palace at Esterhaz besides the daily music II had to provide two weekly operatic performances and two formal concerts while in his service H comp some 30 symphonies 40 quartets diverti menti 6 string trios a concerto f French horn 12 orch l minuets clavier works of all descriptions and nearly all his operas besides other vocal comp s His music became known throughout Europe the official gazette alluded to him as our national favorite In 17S0 he was elected member of the Modena Philharmonic Society in 17S4 Prince Henry of Prussia sent him a gold medal and his portrait in 1785 he was commissioned to write a mass The Seven Words on the Cross for the Cathedral of Cadiz in 1787 King Friedrich Wilhelm II gave him a diamond ring and many other distinctions were conferred upon him During his stay at Esterhaz his friendship for Mozart developed In 1790 Prince Nikolaus died and his son Anton curtailed the chapel music retaining II however as Kapellm and increasing his stipend of 1,000 florins by an additional 400 He was virtually independent his time was his own and he added to his income by the sale of his works For some time he had received pressing invitations to visit London He had settled in Vienna when Salomon appeared with a tempting
offer and induced him to accompany him although his friends especially Mozart tried to dissuade him In 1791 he arrived in England and remained there eighteen months feted and petted by royalty and the nobility the artistic lion of a brilliant and successful season In July Oxford conferred on him the inevitable hon degree of Mus Doc and his best orch l works the Salomon symphonies were written during this visit During his absence Mozart had died Dec 5 1791 In 1792 H returned via llonn to Frankfort for the coronation of Emperor Franz II and went thence to Vienna also visiting his native place to witness the unveiling of a monument erected in his honor by Count Harrach his mother's former employer In this year he gave Beethoven the lessons with which the latter was so dissatisfied In 1794 he revisited London his former triumphs were repeated and though pressed by the King to make England his home he returned to his native land in affluence at the invitation of a new Prince to reorganize the Esterhazy chapel as Kapellm But his fame though great was not yet in its zenith In 1797 he comp the Austrian National Anthem The Emperor's Hymn In 1798 in his sixty fifth year was prod his immortal oratorio Die Sehopfung The Creation and in 1801 Die Jahresieiten The Seasons But his health began to fail and thenceforward he lived in retirement Only once did he again appear in public in 1S08 at a special performance of the Creation but he had to be carried out before the finish friends and pupils among whom was Beethoven surrounding him to take leave B bending to kiss the old man's hands and forehead He lingered until 1809 when his end was hastened by the shock of the bombardment of Vienna by the French He was buried in the Hundsthurm churchyard eleven years later he was reinterred at Eisenstadt In 1887 a splendid monument was erected to II in Vienna Although of unprepossessing personal appearance stern dignified in aspect and laconic in speech he was of a humorous agreeable and amiable temperament and artistically liberal minded The religious side of his character is shown in the inscriptions of all his scores with the motto In Nomine Domini or Soli Deo Gloria and all ending with Laus Deo Haydn is justly called the father of modern orchestral music he taught each instr to speak with an individuality of expression unknown to previous eras his melodic vein is original and inexhaustible the frank gayety and extravagant fun of Papa Haydn's lighter music went straight to the hearts of the impressionable Viennese and lent new vivacity to European concert halls in his moods of tenderness or of passion he is a worthy forerunner of Beethoven His genius expanded the sonata form into the modern symphony and quartet though in the latter Bononcini appears to have an equal claim to independence of invention.
 in oratorio he rivals Handel in majesty and power And all this which in itself stamps him as one of greatest composers of all times must be the marvellous fertility prodigality of his creative resources The list of his comp s is enormous It comprises 125 Symphoniks incl overtures H himself reckoned his 66 divertimenti cassations sextets etc as symphonies the meagre instrumentation of the strings 2 oboes 2 horns contrasting with that of the 12 English strings flute 2 oboes 2 clarinets 2 bassoons horns 2 trumpets 2 kettle drums and others his maturity Some having distinctive titles the Farewell Abschiedssymphonie 1772 the Fire S Feuersymph 1774 the Symph A indersymph La Chasse 1780 the Oxford 1788 perf at Oxford in 1791 the Surprise Symph mil dem Paukenschlag 1791 S with the drum roll S mil Paukcn virbe 1795 The 7 Words on Cross Die 7 Worle am A reuz 1785 for Cadiz Cathedral as a passione instrumen tale for Good Friday rearranged later as quartet and again by M Haydn as an oratorio Other instr l works 9 vln concertos 6 cello concertos 16 concertos for instr s lyre barytone double bass flute horn 77 string quartets 32 trios for strings and instr l combinations excl pf 175 numbers f barytone 4 vln sonatas 6 duets f vln and via 7 nocturnes f lyre numerous minor pes f harpsichord or pf 20 concertos 38 pf trios 35 w vln and cello 3 w flute and cello 53 sonatas and divertimenti 4 sonatas w vln minor pes Vocal 3 oratorios Creation Seasons II ritorno di Tobia several cantatas 14 masses 2 Te Deums a Stabat Mater 13 offertories motets arias etc Opkras Der ntue kruinmt Ten f el as above La vera co stanza written 1776 for the Vienna Court Th but not perf there prod as Laurttte in Paris 1791 IwSpeciale i act comic opera Esterhaz 1768 Vienna private perf 1770 revived as Der Apothekcr at Dresden Court Th 1895 4 Italian comedies 14 Ital opcre buffe incl Lo Specia c and 5 marionette operas all probably prod at Kisenstadt and Esterhaz Orfco written in London unfinished music to several plays 22 detached arias a cantata f solo voice and pf Ariana a Naxos a cantata f vocal solo and barytone Deutschlands Klage auf den Tod Friedrichs des Grossen The 10 Commandments in canon form later with different words as Die 10 Gesetze der Kunst 36 German songs 12 canzonets the Austrian National Hymn other songs collections of Scotch and Welsh folk songs vocal duets trios etc Biographical Brevi notizie storiche della vita e delle opere di Giuseppe II by S Mayr 1809 Biographische Nachrichten von JH AK Dies 1810 Biographische No tizen ttber Josef H GA Griesinger 1810 Le Haydine G Carpani 1812 and enlarged
1823 JH in London 1791 and 1792 Th G Karajan 1861 Mozart and H in London KF Pohl 1867 the only really comprehensive work is Josef II KF Pohl vol i 1st half Leipzig 1875 2nd half 1882 completed on the death of Pohl in 1887 by E v Mandyczewski Haydn's London Note Book is given in extenso in Krehbiel's Music and Manners New York 1898

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