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Ave Maria Op.1 (SATB solo and SATB double choir)    

Composer:  Peter Leonard Leopold Benoit  (1834-1901), s.a.

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not! 


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I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X Peter  Benoit 1834 1901   Op.1 Ave Maria SATB solo + SATB double choir
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter Benoit 1834 1901     Ave Maria "Duettino"
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter Benoit 1834 1901     Ave Maria MezzoSopr. ou Baryton
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter Benoit 1834 1901     Ave Maria pour 3 voix de femmes
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter Benoit 1834 1901         Ave Maria organ or harmonium
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter
Joseph Callaerts
1838 1901         Ave Maria organ or harmonium
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Peter Benoit 1834 1901     Ave Maria SATB 

Lyrics: of tenor choir  

play/stop MIDI:

A-ve Ma-ri-a! gra-ti-a ple-na,
Do-mi-nus te-cum, Do-mi-nus te-cum, te-cum,
be-ne-di-cta tu mu-li-e-ri-bus, mu-li-e-ri-bus,
be-ne-di-ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i, Je-su.

San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
mor-tis nos-trae,
San-cta Ma-ter, San-cta Ma-ri-a, ma-ter,
San-cta Ma-ter De-i, De-i, Ma-ter De-i,
A-men. A-men. A-men.

play/stop MP3 sample:

Ave Maria - Riga Chamber Choir AveSol Vol2
05_Ave Maria (Benoit, Pierre L.L.)


My thanks and appreciation to
Jeanne Buyens (Brussels, Belgium)
for sending me this score.

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
You could be featured here!
If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Internet references, biography information.
Cyclopedia of music & musicians, Volume 1
John Denison Champlin, William Foster Apthorp - Scribner, 1893
BENOlT PETER LEONARD LEOPOLD born at Haerlebeke West Flanders Aug 17 1834 still living 1888 Dramatic composer pupil of Fetis at the Brussels Conservatoire where he won the second prize in 1853 and the first in 1854 Two years later he wrote the music of several Flemish melodramas for the Theatre du Pare of which he was made chef d orches tre in December 1856 Having obtained the grand prize in 1857 for his cantata Le Meurtre d Abel performed at the Conservatoire he studied several months at Leipsic
and then visited Dresden Prague Munich and Berlin After his return to Belgium he brought out a solemn mass at Brussels and at Ghent and in 1861 went to Paris where his French opera Le Roi des Aulnes was accepted at the Theatre Lyrique while waiting for its performance which never took place he conducted 1862 the orchestra at the Bouffes Parisiens returned in the same year to Brussels and in 1867 became director of the Conservatory Flemish School of Music at Antwerp In this position he has since been most active as the chief promoter of a national tendency in music making the Flemish language and Flemish traditions the basis for all his compositions Officer of Order of Leopold Works De belgische Natie melodrama given at Brussels Theatre du Pare 1856 Het dorp in t gebergte comic opera ib 1856 Ave Maria for eight voices in two choruses performed at the Cathedral in Berlin 1858 Berlin Bote & Bock 6 melodies for a single voice with pianoforte Brussels and Mainz Schott Freres Douze peusees nalves for do ib 12 motets ib Petite cantate de Noel 1860 Te Deum 1863 Requiem Mass 1863 Quadrilogie a combination of the last three works and his solemn mass performed at Antwerp 1864 Concerto for pianoforte with orchestra do for flute with orchestra Lucifer Flemish oratorio Brussels 1866 Isa Flemish opera ib 1867 De Schelde oratorio 1869 Cantata 1869 L Egl ise militante souf frante et triomphante religious drama for soli and chorus with organ violoncelli double basses trumpets and trombones Antwerp 1871 De Oorlog War oratorio ib 1873 La Colonne du Congres cantata Brussels Cantata in 3 parts Liege Pro m6thee oratorio Ghent Hymne a l Har monie Antwerp Chant de la Lys cantata Courtrai 1875 De Maeyers choral symphony Kinder cantate Music for Charlotte Corday historical drama by Ernest Vau der Ven Antwerp Flemish Theatre 1876 besides ballades Lieder choruses i
without accompaniment a collection of 20 motets with organ Brussels He has also written articles for the Messager des Arts Le Guide Musical and L Art Universel Fetis do Supplement i 70 Riemann Viotta
A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
  Benoit, Pierre Leonard Leopold eminent Flemish composer and man of letters b Har lebecke Belgium Aug 17 1834 While studying in the Brussels Cons 1851 55 he prod a small opera in the Parktheater and wrote the music to a number of Flemish melodramas he became cond of the above theatre in 1856 and won the Prix de Rome in 1857 with his cantata Ie Meurlrc a Abel I le now studied in Leipzig Dresden Munich and Berlin and sent an essay to the Brussels Academy on L ecole de mu sique flamande et son avenir In 1S61 the Theatre I yrique of Paris accepted his opera Ie rot des au nes while awaiting its performance B acted as cond at the Bouffes Parisiens but the opera was not given Since 1867 B has been Director of the Antwerp Cons The tendency of his compositions is strongly influenced by modern German music Works Messe solennelle 1 862 Te Dcum 18O3 Requiem 1863 the Flemish oratorio Lucifer 1866 the 2 Flemish operas I ct dorp int gebcrgte and fsa oratorio Dc Schelde Drama Christi a sacred drama f soli ch org celli double basses trumpets and trombones De Oorlog War a cantata f double ch soli and enlarged orch a Children's Oratorio a choral symphony De Maaicrs The Mowers music to Charlotte Corday and to van Goe theni's drama Willcmde Zwijgcr ifij6 the Rubens cantata Flanderens kunslrocm f mixed ch children's ch and orch 1877 Antwer pen f triple malech 1877 Joncfrou Kathe lijne scena f altosoloand orch 1879 Muse der Geschiedenis f ch and orch 18S0 Hucbald f double ch baritone solo and orch w harp 1880 Triomfmarsch 1880 grand cantata De Rhyn f soli ch and orch 18S9 a mass motets w org Liefdc int leven and Liefdedrama 5 ongs Sagen en Balladen f pf a pf concerto a flute concerto etc Writings De vlaamsche Musiek school van Antwerpcn 1S73 Considerations a propos d un projet pour Tinstitution de Festivals en Relgifiue f 1874 Verhandcling over de nationale Toonkunde 2 vol s 1877 9 musikale Opvoeding en Opleiding in Belgie no date Het droombceld eener musikale Wereldkunst nd De oorsprong van het Cosmopolitisme in de Musiek 1876 Over schijn en blijk in onze musikale vlaamsche beweging nd Onze musikale beweging op dramatisch gi bied nd Onze neder landsche musikale eenheid nd Brieven over Noord Nederland nd Een konink lijk vlaamsch Conservatorium te Antwerpen 11 d and many contributions to musical and other journals In 1880 B became corresponding member and in 1S82 full member of the Royal Academy Berlin

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Page last modified: November 03, 2012

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