los set goyts recomptarem

Composer:  Anonymous - Llibre Vermell de Montserrat


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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I have a score of this song X X I have an audio recording of this song. I have a video of this song.   Spain   Anonymous   c1350     cuncti simus concanentes ave maria (dansa) - Libre Vermell
I have a score of this song X X I have an audio recording of this song. I have a video of this song.   Spain   Anonymous         los set goyts recomptarem  (dansa) - Libre Vermell

Score / MIDI: not available Recording:  not available
source: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes  

Lyrics: English translation (source)
los set goyts The Seven Joys
Bullada dels goytxs de Nostre Dona en vulgar cathallan; a ball redon Ballade of the joys of Our Lady in common Catalan; a round.
Los set gotxs recomptarem et devotament xantant
humilment saludarem la dolça verge Maria.
I shall tell of the seven joys and sing in devotion.
I shall humbly praise the gentle Virgin Mary.
(R) Ave Maria gracia plena
Dominus tecum Virgo serena. (x2)
(R) Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord be with you, serene Virgin.
Verge fos anans del part pura e sans falliment
en lo part e prés lo part sens negun corrumpiment.
Lo Fill de Déus Verge pia de vós nasque verament. (R)
Virgin, you came forth  pure and without fault,
in your labour and after labour without corruption.
The Son of God, pious Virgin, was truly born of you. Hail Mary…
Verge tres reys d'Orient cavalcant amb gran corage
al l'estrella precedent vengren al vostré bitage.
Offerint vos de gradatge Aur et mirre et encenç. (R)
Virgin, three kings of Orient, rode with great courage,
following the star, and came to your dwelling.
They offer you gifts of gold and myrrh and incense.  Hail Mary…
Verge estant dolorosa per la mort del Fill molt car
romangues tota joyosa can lo vis resuscitar.
A vos madre piadosa prima se volch demostrar. (R)
Virgin, grieving for the death of your very dear Son,
your joy returned when you saw him rise again.
To you, kind Mother, would I pray.  Hail Mary…
Verge lo quint alegratge que'n agues del fill molt car
estant al munt d'olivatge Al cell l'on vehes puyar.
On aurem tots alegratge Si per nos vos plau pregar. (R)
Virgin, the fifth joy that you had of your very dear Son,
was on the Mount of Olives, when you saw him ascend to Heaven. We shall all rejoice if you pray for us. Hail Mary… 
Verge quan foren complitz los dies de pentecosta
Ab vos eren aunits los apostols et de costa.
Sobre tots sens nuylla costa devallà l'espirit sant. (R)
Virgin, when were accomplished the days of Pentecost,
you were together with the apostles and others,
over all, freely,  descended the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary…
Verge'l derrer alegratge que'n agues en aquest mon
vostre Fill ab coratge vos munta al cel pregon.
On sots tots temps coronada regina perpetual.(R)
Virgin, the last joy you had not in this world,
your Son with great courage took you to Heaven,
where, crowned for all time, you reign, Queen for ever. Hail Mary…
Tots donques nos esforcem, en aquesta present vida,
que peccats foragitem de nostr' anima mesquina.
E vos, dolçe Verge pia, vuyllats nos ho empetrar.
Refrain: Ave Maria…
Let us all then strive, in this present life,
to oust sin from our wretched souls.
And you, gentle pious Virgin, help us in our prayers.
Hail Mary…

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Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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