Hail Vir-gin, dear-_ est _ Ma-_ ry,
Our love-ly Queen _ of _ May,
En-throned in hea-ven's glo-_ ry,
Look down on us this day,
Thy low-ly lo-ving chil-dren,
Sur-_ round thy flow-ered shrine,
O Queen of all cre-a-tion, _
And _ Mo-ther, Mo-ther mine.
Though glo-ry-crowned _ with _
stars a-round
thy brow, O stain-_ less _ one,
The moon be-low and ro-bing thee,
The glo-ry of the sun,
Yet take our hum-ble flo-wers,
That _ May on thee be-stows,
The cro-cus and the li-lac _
The _ li-ly and the rose.
From bough and field _ and _ gar-_ den,
From val-leys and _ the _ rills,
We blos-soms bring and vi-o-lets,
And hea-ther from the hills,
With all of spring-time's splen-dors,
With _ lau-rel and with bay,
We croen thee and pro-claim thee _
Our _ love-ly Queen of May.