This is home cooking.
Do not expect five-star restaurant chef cooking here. Delicate flavors and presentation are not my priority. This is about wholesomeness, BIG flavors, and trying to make the best of the limited food variety in small-town America.
I live in Deming, New Mexico, USA, a small middle-of-nowhere town
near the Mexican border.
There is only one local grocery store Peppers that has survived Walmart moving into town some 10 years ago and it caters more towards the Hispanic population than Walmart does. About 3-4 times a year, we have to go to Las Cruces, NM, 60 miles away and make use of the opportunity to stock up on some goodies we can't get anywhere else in the area.
Between the three of them, the variety of fresh food still remains more limited than in big cities with a more international population mix. Many foods are frozen or canned only. My recipes reflect those limitations. I can’t cook what I don’t have. Although I admit that since 2016 I became so desperate for something new that I ordered some fish online to have it shipped in.
I have no professional cooking background at all.
I expect most readers of this book won’t either. There are huge gaps in this listing (e.g. drinks, desserts, baking) for the simple reason that hardly ever do those things. One criticism of professionals will likely be that my grouping of recipes is not according to the French or other established cooking schools. I couldn’t care less. Again, this is home cooking, not a restaurant chef’s presentation.
With computer editing, it is now possible to include many more pictures in the text than printed books could, to document every step in cooking a recipe. It makes following the recipe a lot easier and more pleasant.
I took most of the pictures in this site recipes myself while cooking. I did borrow some pictures from the internet when I forgot to take pictures or when mine didn’t come out well enough to my liking. I have credited the source of any recipes and pictures when possible. Information borrowed from the internet is included under fair usage, for educational purpose only.