Provençal sauce with sweet mini peppers


Provencal sauce is a vegetable stew that is served as a sauce. It is easy enough to make (chop & stew) but it does take a few hours to simmer down properly. Add the Provençal spices late, or they’ll lose too much of the flavor.

I usually make Provençal sauce with the largest bell peppers I can find.
I used sweet mini peppers for these recipes, which changes the texture more than the flavor. It's the mostly same sauce, but the mini peppers are slightly chewier and do taste slightly different.

This is the simplest recipe, onions, tomatoes and mini peppers only.


This is what you need for 4 quarts = 10+ servings:

  • 4 lbs. fresh tomatoes
    OR 2 28-oz. cans tomatoes
  • 1 lb. sweet mini peppers
  • 1-2 medium-large onions
  • S&P
  • Provençal spices
Pic1: swordfish Provençal, 7-grains rice



Pic2-4: mini peppers, onions


Pic5-7: tomatoes


Pic8-10: simmer, more onions

also served with this sauce


Pic5-7: ribeye steak Provençal, served