stuffed salmon

2016-10-25 a.o.

This is one of the Sam’s Club goodies that I’ve liked since the very first time I bought it well over 10 years ago. An Atlantic salmon steak, slit through the middle and stuffed with seafood stuffing. It’s not something for everyday, but once in a while used to be a treat every time. I used to buy 2 packages of 4 and freeze them by twos for later.

Sadly enough, they have since degraded the stuffing from a real seafood stuffing to mostly rice, which is a lot less attractive and makes me think of boudin, which I don't like very much. That Pic7 was the last one I bought there. No more boudin-stuffed salmon for me.

This recipe does not show how to make the stuffing, but any Seafood Casserole will do for this if you keep it fairly dry. I have several casserole recipes listed. Choose whichever you like best for this and use quality ingredients. That is probably what I will start doing for future attempts at this.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 2 stuffed salmon steaks
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  •  S&P
Pic1: stuffed salmon



Pic2: stuffed salmon, raw — 2016-10-25
Pic3: pan-fry
Pic4: add veggies


Pic5: cover, simmer
Pic6: all done — 2016-10-25
Pic7: the new riceroni version — 2019-05-07