oven-baked sockeye salmon

various dates

a. sockeye salmon with pineapple


I covered the salmon fillet with freshly cut pineapple, baked for 20 minutes & 400 ºF expecting that the pineapple would delay the cooking of the fish somewhat.

The black is burned sugar from the pineapple juice. The salmon skin was stuck to the baking tray, but the fish itself scooped as easy as could be off the skin. I did not serve anything else with this. It was delicious.

Deming, NM people:
You can get sockeye salmon from the Schwan's frozen food truck, pineapple at Peppers.


This is what you need for 2-3 servings:

  • 1 sockeye salmon fillet, 1 to 1.5 lbs.
  • 2 cups chopped pineapple
Pic1: sockeye salmon with pineapple



Pic2-4: sockeye salmon with pineapple



b. sockeye salmon with fresh fruit and Provençal sauce


Provençal sauce is a versatile sauce that can also be served with seafood.


This is what you need for 2-3 servings:

  • 1 salmon fillet
  • fresh fruit of your choice
  • up to 1 cup long grain rice
  • S&P, spices of your choice
Pic5: salmon with fresh fruit and rice



Pic6: before cooking
Pic8: after cooking
Pic9: the fresh fruit salad


Pic10: cooked rice
Pic11: Provençal sauce
Pic12: the meal, with Provençal sauce

c. salmon spread


Pic13: the meal, served
Pic14: leftover salmon, 2 sauces
Pic15: salmon salad / spread