mussels & clams


Eating mussels, 1000 miles from the nearest ocean? Thanks to the wonder of refrigeration that is possible nowadays. UPS and FedEx even manage it overnight, but that costs more than it is worth to me.

The local Walmart used to sell frozen mussels until a few years ago, the corporate higher-ups decided that Southern New Mexico shouldn’t have them anymore. They still sell them in Albuquerque, and in Las Cruces & El Paso. But apparently Deming is not good enough for mussels.

I’d been on mussel prohibition about 5 years now, so guess my surprise when I found them at our local Peppers store.. They’re not cheap, more than double what Walmart sold them for, but that craving was there and it’s still a lot cheaper than overnighting them. I bought some. And clams too. Walmart never had those.

A bit sad to say so, but those clams got kinda lost. There were 15 clam shells in that 1 lb. package and they are so tiny compared to the weight of their shells that they'd fit in a large table spoon. There's no food there.  You could easily swallow all 15 at once—the clams, not the shells of course. :-)


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 2 lbs. frozen mussels
  • 1 lb. frozen clams
  • 3 thick carrots
  • ½ head celery
  • 1 onion, peeled, whole
Pic1: mussels & clams



Pic2: veggies are a must
Pic3: mussels & clams
Pic4: add veggies


Pic5: mix it up
Pic6: cover, simmer
Pic7: all done


Pic8: served
Pic9: look mama, no shells!
Pic10: breaded

B. seaweed mussel soup


Don't throw away that cooking juice. This is the next step.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 1 qt. mussel juice
  • 1 tbsp. dried seaweed


  • Add water to dilute the mussel juice.
  • Add seaweed.
  • Bring to a brief boil. Reduce heat.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • Serve and enjoy.


Pic11: add water, seaweed
Pic12: simmer
Pic13: all done


Pic14: seaweed soup
Pic15: breaded seaweed soup