whole pig's head

various dates

Known around the world, and very popular in Mexico for tacos.

In big cities, you can find these in Asian markets. This is not normally available in the Deming, NM stores, but Walmart stocked some in November 2018 and 2019. I haven’t seen them since. Waiting to see if they show up again this year. Maybe they think this is an item for the holly days?

See also pig head tacos for how the professionals do it in NYC.

whole pig's head - 2018 edition

2018-11-28+29 a.o.

If you can get one, give it a try; even if just for the experience. That's what I did.


This is what you need for many servings:

  • 1 whole pig’s head
  • S&P spices
  • if preparing this in a stew or soup:
    • vegetables of your choice
Pic1: pork head meat



Pic2: whole pork head
Pic3: bake
Pic4: braise


Pic5: pulled meat for refrying for tacos
Pic6: rendering fat
Pic7: frying the brain — 2018-12-01

Alternative uses:

b. whole pig's head - 2019 edition


Yes, they had them again in 2019, and I used the opportunity to give it another try. This time, I took 3 days to cook the head and the results were much better.

Most of this was pure experimentation. I did not look up or follow any recipe, just improvised to see what I could do with this. This one had a lot more meat to start with compared to last year's head, and the mash I got from boiling down the head more than doubled that.

This is probably the longest I have ever worked on a recipe: five full days from start to finish. And all I have to show for it is 4 little ramekins with pork headcheese. But they are SO GOOD.

When mixed with lard, the roasted mash reminds me of duck rillettes; very similar in texture, but the flavor is all different of course. And now I would have to wait a week to try this? I don't think so.

The pictures tell the story.


Day 1: 2019-11-12





Day 2: 2019-11-13



Day 3: 2019-11-14 - chicharrones



Day 3: 2019-11-14 - lard



Day 3: 2019-11-14 - headcheese





Day 5: 2019-11-16 - pork rillettes



Is it worth the cost of the pig's head and the long hours of cooking? I had very little to show for it, but man, soooo good! You can probably buy pork rillettes cheaper than what your cost at home would be, but it's always the same issue: What else do they put in as fillers to create more volume to sell?

Will I do it again? Probably, even if it's just for the fun of doing it. Sometimes the real value of going somewhere is in the travel, more than in the destination.

Pig's Heads on the internet

pictures below borrowed from the internet


Pic32: Asian market
Pic33: butterflied
Pic34: piglet's head


Pic35: revolcado = stew/soup
Pic36: head cheese
Pic37: head meat tacos