red-roasted duck

The problem with cooking a duck or turkey is that the meat often ends up being terribly dry. Low-temperature cooking is a very simple procedure that takes care of that.

Even though the meat still looks pinkish or even red, the meat is fully cooked. If the red color worries you, verify and confirm food-safe internal temperature with a meat thermometer.

The downside is that the cooking time gets to be considerably longer. That can be improved upon by either spatchcocking or deboning the bird, so it lays flatter in the baking dish. 


A. red-roasted whole duck


In July 2015, a tornado annihilated the bird coop and killed most of the animals. I didn't start over again. This was my first store-bought duck. The difference with my backyard-raised ducks is obvious. These factory-farmed ducks are injected with a salt solution to make them seem heavier than they really are. It's not as bad as with chickens just yet, but I didn't like it much. Unfortunately, that's all I'll have from now on.


Pic1: red-roasted Pekin duck
Pic2: served with peas & onions
Pic3: from the other side :-)

B. red-roasted duck PARTS


This is also an oven-roasted paprika curry duck, but cooked considerably longer at much lower temperatures than the other Paprika Curry Duck. The meat is moist and tender, but the skin is not as crispy.


Pic5: before cooking
Pic6: after cooking
Pic7: served with carrots, tomatoes, zucchinis


This is what you need for # servings:

  • 2 duck legs, 2 wings, neck
    of a 6-lb. duck, parted
  • olive oil
  • S&P
  • paprika, curry powder
Pic4: also red-roasted duck
