roasted soup chicken with veggie grillers, tomato, quinoa rice


These are the chicken legs that I parboiled in the colorful vegetable soup I made yesterday.

The veggie grillers are pre-packaged skewers from the local Wal-Mart. They're a bit pricey for what you get, but the variety is easy to prepare, one package instead of 4 different vegetables.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 2 chicken legs, parboiled
  • 1 veggie griller
    mushrooms, zucchinis, onions, bell peppers
  • 1 bag rice-in-a-bag
  • 1 bag quinoa-in-a-bag
  • S&P, seasoning
  • mayo
Pic1: roasted soup chicken, veggie grillers, tomato, quinoa rice



Pic2: chicken soup
Pic3: veggie grillers
Pic4:  on the oven grill


Pic5: seasoning
Pic6: roasted soup-chicken leg
Pic7: veggie grillers


Pic8: rice, quinoa
Pic9: served
Pic10: beefsteak tomato, mayo