roasted chicken legs


These were the last few legs in a 10-lb. bag and I didn't feel like returning an almost-empty bag to the freezer. In the oven they went, all together.

jalapeno honey mustard, applesauce, rice

Jalapeno honey mustard. Very sweet, not overly hot. A little sharpness from the mustard.
This sauce should leave a bit of a glaze on the chicken, but most of it will run down and mix with the drippings.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 2 chicken legs
  • 1 brown rice-in-a-bag
  • S&P, seasoning
Pic1: sauced chicken leg, brown rice



Pic2: jalapeno honey mustard
Pic3: chicken legs baking
Pic4:  served


Pic5: rice in a bag
Pic6: served with sauce
Pic7: no sauce, chicken drumstick


Pic8-10: served

Cholula hot wing sauce

This is just about the hottest sauces we keep in the house. There are some a lot hotter than this, but we have absolutely no interest in or curiosity for those. This one has the advantage that if you bake it with the chicken leg, much of the heat disappears. It's a lot stronger fresh out of the bottle.

Choose the one you prefer.


This is what you need for each serving:

  • 1 roasted chicken leg
  • Cholula hot wing sauce
  • pineapple slices
Pic1: sauced chicken leg, pineapple



Pic6: then do this