chicken legs with fruit, bacon


Chicken is one of those dishes that start out as dry cooking, but end up like a pot roast because chicken meat releases so much liquid. This isn't exactly the same as Chicken Legs Hawaiian, but the similarities are there. 

This one still is mostly dry-cooking. For a true pot roast, see Braised Chicken with Fruit.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 2 chicken legs
  • 4 strips bacon. thick-sliced
  • S&P, spices of your choice
    I used paprika and curry
  • 1 lb. frozen fruit mix of your choice
    this one: grape, peach, pineapple, strawberry
Pic1: chicken, bacon, fruit

A. pan-fried chicken legs


These pictures are from a much later date.
I did not use bacon for these pictures, but they do show how I pan-fry chicken legs.

I always start skin-side down for the initial browning (Pic2) and do most of the cooking skin-side up (Pic3) over low heat and covered. Towards the end, I sear the skin-side again for a nice color. (Pic4)



Pic2: skin-side down
Pic3: skin-side up
Pic4: all done


Pic5: add water/juice for more sauce
Pic6: serve as is, or keep going...

B. with fruit


Pic7: ... add fruit, simmer
Pic8: serve