green chile chicken


This is a simple recipe that makes a very special dish, even though for some green chile may be a bit of an acquired taste. The stewed green chile peppers add a unique flavor with a hint of bitterness that is quite different from sweet bell peppers. No other spices are needed.

If you don’t like your food ‘hot, hot, hot!’ choose mild green peppers. Even the mild variety will still have a respectable bite because this is not a sweet pepper but a smaller cousin of the poblano pepper. If you can’t find them fresh, check the frozen food section in your grocery store.


This is what you need for 2-4 servings:

  • 2 lbs. chicken legs (thigh + drumstick)
  • 2 cups green chile peppers, chopped
  • olive oil
  • S&P
  • your preferred spices
Pic1: green chile chicken


Pic2: melting frozen green chile
Pic3: warm through
Pic4: add green chile to chicken

Green Chile chicken Stew


You can keep it simple and prepare the recipe above with smaller chicken pieces. Or you can add more vegetables to make it the chicken equivalent of Pork Green Chile Stew.

Pic5: green chile chicken stew