beef fajitas with dates


I buy fresh dates regularly, but sometimes they sit on the kitchen counter for months. When I get tired of looking at them, I try new ways to use them in meals. This was one of my more successful kitcheneering experiments. The dates added a unique sweetness to the fajitas. Very good.

The fajitas were purchased frozen and pre-cooked, so only needed heating through.


This is what you need for 2-3 servings:

  • 1 lb. beef fajitas, frozen
  • 1 lb. mixed vegetables, frozen
    (Sam's Club stir-fry vegetable medley)
  • 1-2 sweet potatoes, boiled or baked
  • olive oil
  • S&P, spices of your choice
Pic1: beef fajitas with dates, stir-fry veggies, sweet potatoes



Pic2: fresh dates
Pic3: frozen
Pic4: add chopped dates


Pic5-7: done and served