Vegetable soup: from disaster to good

2020-08-22 => 08-25

Not everything is a success.

Auguson dehydrated vegetables

I declare this stuff inedible.
It looked gross when added to water, and the stuff reeked of onion and rotted cabbage both before and after cooking.

Every day that stink became stronger, so I kept adding other things to cover it up.


This is what you need for a disaster meal:

  • Auguson dehydrated vegetable stew
Pic1: it looks nice enough in the box



Pic2-4: gross 'vegetable stew', sliced potatoes

with zucchinis, carrots, tomatoes, green chile

This would have been an excellent vegetable soup if only I'd tossed the reeking starter.
Instead it became merely acceptable because that onion/cabbage reek and taste remained a strong background.

Try these vegetables without the dry stuff above, and you'll be quite happy with the result.


Pic5-7: zucchinis, carrots and tomato soup


Pic8: green chile
Pic9: served
Pic10: with cream

and I added even more ...

I still had about 4 quarts of leftover soup.
Adding 4 more vegetables finally pushed the onion/cabbage reek far enough in the background as to no longer matter. 



Pic11: mushrooms and zucchinis
Pic12: chayote, cucumber
Pic13: okra


Pic14+15: with Chihuahua cheese
Pic16: with queso fresco