pumpkin meal soup


Aren't you tired of pumpkin soup that tastes like watered down pie? Try this recipe. Pumpkin absorbs and multiplies other flavors in the dish. The result is a very tasty chunky meal soup. Depending on how much you add of each, you can make either the bell peppers or the salsa / tomatoes dominate. Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin is not the best cooking pumpkin, but it was all I could find.


This is what you need for 6 quarts / 12 servings:

  • ½ medium pumpkin, diced
  • 3-5 large bell peppers, diced
  • S&P, spices
  • optional:
    • 1 lb. tomatillos, tomatoes; quartered
    • 2 cups each of carrots & potatoes, sliced
    • 1 celery stalk, chopped coarse
    • 1 jalapeño pepper, deseeded, diced
    • 1 lb. mushrooms (not used here)
Pic1: pumpkin meal soup, steak



Pic2: load the pot
Pic3: stew