pre-blended creamed mushroom soup x4

various dates

During the Covid-quarantine, I started buying mushrooms a lot more often than I did before, and most of them ended up as mushroom soup.

Somewhere end 2020, I figured out that blending the mushrooms before cooking them resulted in a much stronger flavor. Since than, that is the method I use most often for mushroom soup.

You have to add a few cups of liquid to blend 1 lb. of mushrooms into a smooth paste.
Flour can be used to thicken the soup afterwards. I often use a cup of Bear Creek soups for that purpose.

pre-blended creamed mushroom soup #1


This is the first such recipe that I have pictures of.

The method is very simple: blend mushrooms with as little liquid as possible; simmer 30 minutes; serve.


This is what you need for 4+ servings:

  • 1 lb. button mushrooms
  • S&P, seasoning
  • optional: heavy cream
Pic1: pre-blended mushroom soup



Pic2: blending button mushrroms
Pic3: simmer
Pic4: quite runny


Pic5+6: optional thickener
Pic7: simmer


Pic8: served
Pic9+10: with heavy cream

creamed Portobello mushroom soup:


Strange as it may seem, Portobello mushrooms blend into a lighter-colored paste.


Pic11-13: Portobello mushrooms

curried creamed mushroom soup #3


Pic14-16: food-processor

creamed mushroom soup #4, with cucumbers

I tried a new ingredient: I added some over-ripe cucumbers into the mix and used a few slices as garnishment.

The decorative cucumbers offered a refreshing, slightly sour flavor contrast to the soup.
The ones I blended pretty much disappeared, completely dominated by the mushrooms.  


This is what you need for 4 servings:

  • 1 lb. mushrooms
  • 2 large cucumbers
  • S&P, seasoning
Pic17: creamed mushroom soup with cucumbers



Pic18-20: another batch


Pic21: blend in cucumbers
Pic22: again, 1 cup Bear Creek soup as thickener
Pic23: served


Pic24+25: day 2


Pic26: heavy creaam
Pic27: hot sauce
Pic28: served

Serving suggestions: