Cream of cauliflower soup


See also Cauliflower Sauce recipe.
The method is identical. Add extra milk or stock to make it more liquid. Diversify by adding other items.


This is what you need for 4 servings:

  • 1 lb. cauliflower florets, cooked
  • up to 2 cups béchamel sauce
  • 1 qt. chicken stock
    or use milk instead for a milk soup
  • S&P
  • optional:
    • other vegetables of your choice:
      e.g. potatoes, carrots, tomato, ...
    • a mild melting-cheese, chopped or grated
Pic1: creamed béchamel cauliflower



Pic2: béchamel and cauliflower
Pic3: blend
Pic1: creamed cauliflower

Serving suggestions:

Cauliflower soup on the internet

The following pictures were borrowed from the internet


Pic4: with chives
Pic5: with curry
Pic6: with red lentils and tomatoes