Cabbage Soup


Green & white cabbages are some of my favorite vegetables for soup. The two are pretty much interchangeable for soups.

I add them to many soups, but rarely alone, usually combine them with other vegetables. You will see many recipes in this website with white / green cabbages. When I know I am making soup for several days, I also like to add Brussels sprouts.

This is a simple recipe that can be prepared vegetarian or not, as you prefer.


This is what you need for 10 quarts/ 20+ servings:

  • 1 medium cabbage (3 lbs.)
  • 15 Brussels sprouts
  • dried vegetable mix
  • a few tomatoes, peeled, cored
  • S&P
  • Optional:
    • 2-lb. roast, beef or pork
      or 2 chicken legs
    • additional spices
Pic1: cabbage soup



Pic2: vegetarian
Pic3: with meat


Cabbage Soup on the Internet

The following pictures were all borrowed from the internet

Every internet recipe I have seen uses more than just cabbage alone. Here are a few examples. For reference only. Picture sources unknown.


Pic4: cabbage, tomatoes a.o.
Pic5: cabbage & bell peppers
Pic6: cabbage & white beans


Pic7: cabbage hot & sour
Pic8: cabbage, pasta chicken
Pic9: Greek cabbage soup


Pic10: cabbage, kielbasa sausage a.o.
Pic11: cabbage, carrot, onion
Pic12: cabbage & kielbasa sausage