Veal or Beef Tongue Soup

2016-04-01 and many others

Beef tongue soup is one of my favorite frequent flyers. The broth from cooking veal or beef tongue is a divine food. I always drink the soup when I cook beef tongue..

Vegetables are not a requirement. tongue broth is delicious even without any embellishments. Drink it ‘as is’ or add vegetables for different flavors.  I try to cook the tongue with different vegetables each time for the endless flavor variations; and they all taste delicious. Don't limit yourself to this one recipe. Add whatever strikes your fancy (or—like I make my choices—whatever you have in your fridge.).



This is what you need for 8+ quarts / 16 servings:

  • 1 beef tongue, washed, 4 lbs.
  • S&P


  • 8 poblano peppers
  • 3 large carrots
  • ½ celery head
  • ½ lb. spinach
  • 2 small yellow zucchinis
  • ½ lb. mushrooms
  • nearly anything vegetable you have in you refrigerator will do fine
Pic1: beef tongue soup with poblanos, zucchinis, mushrooms a.o. vegetables



Pic2: cooked without vegetables
Pic3: cooked with zucchinis a.o. vegetables
Pic4: cooked with cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and carrots


Pic5: soup without vegetables
Pic6: breaded beef tongue soup
Pic7: beef tongue soup with cabbage a carrots