play/stop MIDI:
1._Hail, _ Ma-ry, we ac-claim Thee,
Mo-_ ther and _ Vir-gin blest,
Thy _ chil-dren love to name thee,
our _ hope, our _ joy, our rest,
O, ho-ly Queen tran-scen-dent,
Thou _ light-est _ all our way.
Reign glo-rious and re-splen-dent,
in _ realms of _ end-less day. |
2. Hail _ Ma-ry, Mo-ther ten-der,
true _ sun-light _ of the soul.
To _ thee our hearts sur-ren-der,
O, _ bring us _ to our goal,
Thy mer-cy now re-veal-ing,
though _ oft a-_ far we roam,
Like bells of ev'n-ing peal-ing,
Thy _ sweet voice _ calls us home.
play/stop MP3 sample:
3._Hail _ Ma-ry. Through the a-ges,
All _ ho-nor _ we ac-cord,
Thy _ love our hope pre-sa-ges,
Sweet _ Mo-ther _ of our Lord,
Thy sa-cred name ad-dress-ing,
Our _ joy-ful _ songs we raise,
Thy pray'rs for-e-ver bles-sing,
We _ sing thy _ ceas-less praise. |