Ave sanctissima Maria   

Composer:  Pierre de La Rue (c1460-1518), s.a.


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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 page   Missa Ave Maria

A-ve sanc-tis-si-ma Ma _ _ -ri _ a,
Ma ter De i, Re _ _ gi na _ _ _ _ _ coe li,
Por-ta pa-ra _ _ _ _ di _ -si,
Do-mi-na _ _ mun _ _ _ di
Tu es sin-gu-la-ris vir _ go _ _ pu ra.
Tu con-ce-pis-ti Jhe _ sum ex spi-ri-tu _ sanc to.
Tu pe-per-is _ _ ti  Cre-a-to-rem mun _ di
in quo er _ _ _ _ go non du _ _ _ _ bi-to.
O ra pro me Jhe sum _ _ _ di lec tum tu um,
et li-be-ra me ab om-ni-bus _ ma-lis,
ab om-ni _ _ bus ma _ _ lis,
_ ab om-ni-bus ma _ _ _ lis.

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Posted on YouTube: Score:

available on:

My thanks and appreciation to
Mike Heemskerk (virgamusica Ndl)
for sending me this score.

A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
  La Rue Pierre de Latinized Petrus Platensis also called Pierchon Pierson Pierzon Perisone or Pierazon de la Ruellien
Eminent Netherland contrapuntist pupil of Okeghem together with Josquin 1492 15 10 chapel singer at the court of Burgundy also from 1 501 prebend at Courtrai later at Namur Publ works a book of 5 masses Beatae Virginis Puer nobis est Sexti toni ut fa I homme arme and Nunquam fuit poena major printed by Petrucci 1513 De Sancto Antonio in Petrucci's Missae div auct O Sa lutaris hostia in Liber quindecim missarum Rome 1516 Cum jucunditate O Gloriosa and De Sancto Antonio in Missae tre decim Nuremberg 1539 Tous les regrets in Lib quind miss ibid 1538 also a mass in the 4th tone in Petrucci's Missae An tonii de Kevin 15 15 numerous others making 29 in all in MS 2 magnificent volumes containing 7 and 5 masses respectively are in the Brussels Library the latter having been prepared at the express command of Margaret of Austria whose favorite the composer was. Printed motets and madrigals are likewise extant in collections of the time

Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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