Dios te salve, Maria (Ave Maria) 2 equal voices
Composer: F. Plantada (s.a.),
Recording: not available |
Lyrics: |
Dios te sal ve, Ma ri a,
lle na e res de gra cia,
el Se nor es con ti go,
el Se nor es con ti go, |
ben di ta Tu e res
en tre to das las mu je res
y ben di to es el fru to
de _ tu vien _ tre, Je sus. |
Score: No.466-2 in
de Cánticos Sagrados" |
Accompaniment (if any) is missing from this
score. |
My thanks and appreciation to
Xulio Mosquera - Arquivo Coral
for sending me this score
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Page last modified:
September 16, 2011
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