El Ave Maria para la Villa de Ayerbe, en San Juan de la Peña   

Composer:  Padre Miquel López (1669-1723), 1719


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Score / MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  

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Not the Ave Maria, but it's the only video I found from this composer.
mikelet94 March 31, 2009 — L'escolania de Montserrat canta la Salve del P. Miquel López a Montserrat, està dirigida pel mestre Eduard Vila i Perarnau.
A l'orgue toca el P.Cassià.

És una producció del canal 33 de la televisió de Catalunya.

Internet references, biography information.
An organist and composer Lopez was a student of the Escolania of Montserrat as a choirboy. He served as an organist for the monastery of Saint Martin in Madrid while studying theology at Salamanca University. Lopez was the choirmaster for Montserrat and the organist for the monastery of Saint Benito in Valladolid. The extant music of Lopez remains in a 580 page folio of miscellaneous music, so titled by the composer. It included both vocal and organ works: the former were masses, vespers, psalms, motets, et cetera and the latter were solos and versets. Most of the organ works were written with a clear intention toward teaching and the vocal pieces were scored for accompanied by a continuo and/or instrumental parts. ~ Keith Johnson, All Music Guide

Page last modified: November 07, 2011

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