Hail Ma-ry, full of grace,
the Lord is with you. Bless-ed are you a-mong wo-men and blest is the
fruit of your womb, Je-sus. Ho-ly Ma-ry, Mo-ther of God, pray for us sin-ners,
now and at the hour of death. A-men.
Gen-tle wo-man, qui-et light,
mor-ning star, so strong and bright,
gen-tle Mo-ther, peace-ful dove,
teach us wis-dom; teach us love. |
1._You were cho-sen by the Fa-ther;
you were cho-sen for the Son.
You were cho-sen from all wo-men
and for wo-man, shi-ning one.
Oh Gen-tle wo-man, qui-et light,
mor-ning star, so strong and bright,
gen-tle Mo-ther, peace-ful dove,
teach us wis-dom; teach us love. |
2._Bless-ed are you a-mong wo-men,
blest in turn all wo-men, too.
Bless-ed they with peace-ful spi-rits.
Bless-ed they with gen-tle hearts.
Oh Gen-tle wo-man, qui-et light,
mor-ning star, so strong and bright,
gen-tle Mo-ther, peace-ful dove,
teach us wis-dom; teach us love. |