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Ave Maria  Op. 19  

Composer:  Friedrich W. Kucken (1810-1882), 1874
Friedrich W. Kücken; Kuecken


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Recording:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  1850 edition  1874 edition, alto or baritone    Score:

(verse 1 of 3)
A-ve Ma-ri-a! Jung _frau mild,
Er-hö_-re ei-ner Jung _frau Fle-hen,
auf die-sem Fel-sen starr und wild
soll mein Ge-bet zu dir-hin we_-hen,
soll mein Ge-bet zu dir hin we-hen.

Wir schla-fen ru-hig bis zum Mor-gen
ob Men-schen noch so grau-sam sind.

O Jung-frau, sich der Jung-frau Sor-gen,
O Mut-ter, hör ein bit_-tend Kind.
O Mut-ter, hör ein bit_-tend Kind.

This score with German text only This score with Geman and English text

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
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If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Internet references, biography information.
Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken (November 16, 1810 – April 3, 1882) was a German composer and conductor.

Kücken was born in Bleckede. He learned piano as a child and played chamber music in his youth. After moving to Schwerin he studied under Friedrich Lührss, Paul Aron, and George Rettberg. He composed the song Ach, wie wärs möglich dann, which became quite popular and resulted in his being chosen for the court of Grand Duke Paul Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin.[1] He furthered his studies in 1832 with Joseph Birnbach in Berlin and later with Sechter in Vienna (1941-43), as well as with Halevy and Marco Bordogni in Paris. He held a conducting position at a Stuttgart court theater from 1851 to 1861. He died in Schwerin.

His works included choral pieces, opera, and others.[2] Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov viewed Kücken's work dimly as "saccharine."[3] His most popular work was the opera Der Prätendent, premiered in Stuttgart in 1847.

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Page last modified: May 26, 2013

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