Kretzschmar, August Ferdinand Hermann b
Olbernhau Saxony Jan 19 1848
Pupil of J Otto at the Kreuzschule Dresden and of Richter Reinecke Paul and
Papperitzat Leipzig Cons Took degree of Dr hi at Leipzig with a thesis on
ancient notation prior to Guido d Arezzo in 1871 then bec ming teacher of
organ and harmony at the Cons and conducting several societies 1S76 Kapellm
at Metz Th 1877 mus dir at Rostock Univ 1S80 town mus dir there 1887 I
anger's successor as mus dir of Leipzig Univ and cond of the academic male
chorus Paulus From 1SSS 97 Riedel's successor as cond of the Riedel Verein
then retiring on account of ill health present cond Dr Georg Gohler of
Zwickau Received the title of Professor in 1890 in which year he organized
the Aka demische Orchesterconcerte giving historical programs A line
organist he has publ sacred and secular part songs and some organ music He
is likewise a well known mus critic in the Musikalisches Wochenblatt
Grenzbote has publ lectures on Chorgesang Sanger chore etc and Peter
Cornelius 1880 in Waldersee's Sammlung mus Vortrage a F tihrer durch den
Concertsaal 3 vol s 1887 2nd ed 1S90 also essays in the Grenzbote Das
deutsche Lied seit Schumann 1SS1 Die deutsche Klaviermusik seit Schumann
1882 Urahms 1884 and a paper on Venetian Opera in the Vicrteljahrsschrift
fiir Musikwissenschaft 1S92 part of a monograph on the Opera in preparation
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