Ave Maria in 6 parts for double choir and female voices

Composer: Emil Krause (1840-1916), 1883


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Recording:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  
Score:  not available  


GoogleBooks search  
International who's who in music & musical gazetteer, Volume 5
edited by César Saerchinger (1918)

KRAUSE Emil Teacher and composer
b Hamburg July 30 1840
stud at the Leipzig Cons under Hauptmann Rletz Moscheles Plaldy and Richter Teacher of piano and theory In Hamburg since I860 music critic of the Fremdenblatt 1864 1907 also teacher at Hamburg Cons from 1885 Royal Prussian Professor 1893
Aufgabenbuch fur die Harmonielebre 1869 8th ed 1908 and Anleitung zum Studium der Muslkge schichte 1906; Also a number of pamphlets on piano pedagogics Comp chamber music 3 cantatas; Ave Maria In 6 parts for double chor and female voices; Requiem Den Heimgegangenen for chor and orch op 119 songs etc and other music also Bel trage zur Techoik des Klavlerspiels op 38 and 57 and 100 exercises Neuer Gradus ad Parnassum op 95; edited older chamber music with the piano accompaniment written out (Handel etc )
Address Fuhlentwlete 42 Hamburg Germany
A biographical dictionary of musicians = Theodore Baker
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages


Krau se Emil b Hamburg July 30 1840 Pupil of Hauptmann Richter Rietz Moscheles and Plaidyat Leipzig Cons Since 1S60 teacher of pf and theory at Hamburg since 1SS5 at the Cons Publ Beitrage zur Technik des Klavierspiels op 38 and 57 with supplementary matter in op 75 Erganzungen Auf gabenbuch fur die Harmonielehre and Prak tische Klavierschule op 70 1892 His comp s include 3 cantatas an Ave Maria 6 songs chamber music etc studies variations sonatas etc f pf

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