Ave Maria   solo voice + piano

Composer:  Gustavus Robert Knabe (c1820-1888), 1878


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Recording:  not available  
Lyrics: 1878 edition  Score

A-ve Ma-ri-a
A-ve Ma-ri-a
A-ve Ma-ri-a
gra-tia ple-na

Do-mi-nus te-cum
Do-mi-nus te-cum

Be-ne-dic-ta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus
et be-ne-dic-tus fruc-tus ven-tris tu-i
fruc-tus ven-tris tu-i,
ven-tris tui, Je-su Je-su Je su.

Sanc-ta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
o-ra o-ra o-ra pro no-bis
o-ra pro no-bis no-bis pec-ca-to-ri-bus

nunc et in ho-ra ho-ra mor-tis
ho-ra mor-tis nos-trae.

Internet references:  
Saturday 16 [July 1859] Mr. Knabe tuned our pianoforte today. .../...
p28 of Myra Inman: a diary of the Civil War in East Tennessee By Myra Inman, William R. Snell (2000)

Official roster of the soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 10
By Ohio. Roster Commission
Gustavus R Knabe / [rank] do / [age] 44 / [entered service] July 28 1864 / 1 Уr /  Appointed July 28; 1864 mustered out June 24 1865 at Knoxville Tenn by order of War Department
[William Ballard Lenoir Reagan] first went into the war as a member of the cornet band of Colonel J. C. Vaugn's 3rd Tennessee regiment, of which G. R. Knabe, afterwards of Knoxville, was the leader.
on p300 of History of Sweetwater Valey by William Ballard Lenoir (2009)

- Gustav Knabe – German immigrant, graduate of the Conservatory at Leipzig—organized UT’s cadet marching band and served as its director for some twenty years. He was already known in Knoxville as “a master and an authority in all matters relating to music.” The band was a part of the ROTC program at UT, and later, in 1950 was named “The Pride of the Southland.”
1869 Knoxville TN City Directory
Knabe, G(ustavus) R. Professor of Music. Resides east building, College Hill. A;
Scott, Miss Ada. Boards with G. R. Knabe, east building, College Hill.

New York Times,  December 10, 1870  
The President sent the following nominations to the Senate today: .../...
GUSTAVE R. KNABE of Tennessee, to be United States Consul at Ghent. [Belgium]
Congressional directory, Volume 63, Part 4 By United States. Congress (1871)
   Ghent Belgium / Gustav R Knabe / Consul

In the Summer of 1877, the entire faculty of the [East Tennessee] university was reorganized, .../... G. R. Knabe, instructor in vocal and instrumental music.
on p365-366 of Standard history of Knoxville, Tennessee: with full outline of the natural ... By William Rule, George Frederick Mellen, John Wooldridge; (1900)   / also in Knox County TN Archives
Pipl on Knox County archives: http://www.knoxcotn.org/directories/1885knoxville/schools21885.htm] (link no longer valid)
... Gustav Robert KNABE, instructor in vocal and instrumental music; ...

Died in 1888?

University of Tennessee record, Volume 1 By University of Tennessee, Knoxville 1898

Page last modified: September 14, 2011

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