Ave Maria SSAA / SSATBaB
Composer: Joshua B. Himes (*1987), 2008

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references, biography information. |
Joshua currently works as
theatrical stage composer and music director for various theatre programs
throughout Southern California. He is also studying towards a career in
choral conducting and music education. Joshua has been composing since the
age of 19 focusing primarily on mixed-voice choral compositions; his first
piece being a setting of Sara Teasdale's, "A Prayer". His choral music has
been performed across the United States as well as internationally by
renowned vocal ensembles such as the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Camerata
Lacunensis, and the Mt. SAC Chamber Singers.
As a singer and student, Joshua has sung in a number of award-winning
choirs, including the Mt. San Antonio College Chamber Singers under the
direction of Bruce Rogers. Other directors he has studied under include John
Tebay & Dr. Katharine Rundus. Although he enjoys writing music, Joshua's
true passion is helping others better understand and appreciate the
beautiful art of choral music.
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March 08, 2013
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