A-ve Ma-_-ri-_-a, tu sei pie-na de gra-zia,
Il si-gno-re e con te,
be-ne-det-ta sei tu fra tut-te le don-ne,
San-ta Ma-_-ri-_-a, di Di-o tu sei ma-dre,
be-ne-det-toil fi-glio tuo, Ge-su,
sei tu fi-glia del tu-o Fi-glio.
tu sei la ma-dre, sei con-for-to, sei la for-za,
tu stel-la lu-mi-no-sa sei _ Ma-ri-_-_-a.
Oh Ma-ri-_-_-a. A-_-men. |
A-ve Ma-_-ri-_-a, you are _ full of grace, _
the _ Lord _ is with you,
bles-_-sed _ are you _ a-mong _ wo-men,
Ho-ly _ _ Ma-_-ry, you are mo-ther of God, _
bles-sed is _ your son Je-_-_-sus,
you're the daugh-ter of your _ Son.
You are the mo-ther, you are com-fort, you are strength, _
You are the brigh-_-test _ star, _ Ma-ri-_-_-a.
Oh Ma-ri-_-_-a. A-_-men. |