> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Ave Maria  

Composer: Linda Fox (s.a.), 1999


This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA



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Recording:  not available
A-_-_-_-_-_-ve Ma-ri-_-_-a,
A-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-ve, Gra ti a ple _ na,
Do mi _ nus _ te _ cum,
Be _ _ _ _ ne dic ta _ _ _ tu
in mu _ li er _ i bus.
Et be ne dic tus, be ne dic _ tus
fruc _ _ tus ven _ _ tris tu _ i
Je _ su, Je _ _ _ su.
San _ _ _ _ _ cta Ma ri _ _ a,
O _ _ _ _ _ ra _ pro no _ bis.
O _ _ ra O _ _ _ ra _ pro no _ _ _ _ _ _ bis
pec _ ca to _ ri bus,
O ra, _ o ra _ pro no _ _ bis,
O _ _ _ _ _ ra,
San _ _ cta Ma _ _ _ ri a,
A _ ve, A-_ ve.
Score:  free print available at http://www.scoreexchange.com/scores/101468.html

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
You could be featured here!
If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Internet references, biography information.
I don't think by any stretch of the imagination I'd call myself a serious composer. I studied music at Oxford in the 60s, and then trained as a singer at the Royal Academy of Music (singing voice now, sadly, almost completely defunct) and have been teaching or directing music in some form or another ever since then - everything from secondary schools to opera companies to adults with severe learning difficulties to children's choirs. Having also been a solo and choral singer and an opera translator (as well as a mum!), I've diversified so much that I probably haven't devoted enough of my career to any one thing to say I've been a stupendous success at it; but over the past 20-odd years I seem to have produced a lot of assorted little bits of music as needed, and I'm really looking forward to being able to put some of it on the SibeliusMusic website for others to hear and maybe perform. It's all very functional and approachable and quite easy, because it was all written with a performance in mind. It's mostly school music and choir arrangements, plus music for plays, and there's also a clutch of complete opera translations amongst this output.


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Page last modified: March 14, 2013

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AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


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